Menzies Home Association
The Menzies Homes Association (MHA), affectionately known as ‘The Old Boys’, is made up of men and women who were formerly in the care of Menzies. The MHA Committee meets quarterly and keeps in regular contact with approximately 100 former residents. The group provides:
Mutual support and assistance to those who have been in the care of Menzies
Regular fundraising and social activities for ex-residents and their families
Activities for the enjoyment of current residents of Menzies
Volunteer services to assist Menzies Inc
From Past to Present
MHA members are valuable role models for young people in Menzies’ programs today. They provide living proof that being in care does not prevent a young person from gaining independence, making friends, starting a family and living a happy and fulfilled life.
In recent years the MHA has hosted the young people of Menzies at the BHP Hastings’ Christmas celebration for staff and their families, re-inforcing a sense of belonging to an extended family.
The highlight of the year for the ‘Old Boys’ is their Annual Reunion incorporating the Annual General Meeting. Members, family and friends come from interstate and overseas to meet up again, some not having seen each other since their days in the ‘Home on the Hill’.
For more information contact:
Rick Hodges, President, or Ray Fordham, Secretary, on ph: (03) 5975 6108
History in the Making
Of particular importance in 2004 was a video recording of conversations with ‘Old Boys’ for a DVD that will complement the publication of a book detailing Menzies history titled: ‘One Thousand White Onions: A History of Caring for Children’ by Shirley Davies.
To obtain a copy of the DVD, ring reception on (03) 9784 9700.
MHA members have also given valuable voluntary hours at Sages Cottage Farm and it is envisaged that they will play a significant role in the development of the farm.
Calendar of Events
MHA Annual Reunion Fourth Sunday of March every year
The MHA reunion is another ‘Menzies Family’ reunion attracting past residents and their families from interstate and overseas. Menzies staff and young people join together each year for an enjoyable day with plenty of food and entertainment.
MHA Annual Birthday Party
When living in the “Home on the Hill”, individual birthdays were not celebrated. Instead, one big birthday was held for everyone on the 9 August each year. This was the birthday of James Menzies, after whom the organisation is named.
MHA Christmas Party
Each year, the MHA hosts the young people of Menzies at the Blue Scope Steel (BHP) Hastings Christmas celebration for staff and their families. This is another valuable opportunity for the young people of today to develop and strengthen relationships with their extended Menzies Family.
To contact the MHA
Phone: 5975 6108
7/8/09 Birthday Celebration all the old boys who attended
Graham Menzies cutting the birthday cake on behalf of James Menzies (his grandfather)
The cake!
The Event was held at the Frankston International Motel
Ray Fordham arrived at the Home on the Hill in 1946 and left in 1952. He’s a Menzies Legend, and he’s also the Secretary of the Menzies Homes Association. This is part of his story:
“I think the good things about being in the Home were that I learnt to stand up for myself, to become independent, to do my own washing and ironing. The bonds and friendships I formed with so many boys were important and then later on in life, as adults, coming together again to re-live those good times that we had. I look forward to the reunions every year and to helping the children who are in the homes today. It is those children who will one day, hopefully, carry on the Old Boys Association – most of us are getting on in years.”