Try Mentoring

Try Mentoring

TRY Mentoring assists young people by connecting them with adult volunteer mentors; someone who can be a supportive friend and role model for them. This is done through One-to-One mentoring matches and Mentoring In The Hood (MITH) group mentoring programs. Many young people who are referred to the program are experiencing a range of social challenges like being socially isolated, exposure to substance misuse, witnessing or experiencing family violence, adopting risky behaviours, having low self-esteem, or mental health issues. 

Research demonstrates that young people who have a mentor are less likely to start using drugs or alcohol, less likely to skip school and have better relationships with their parents. Further, research shows that mentoring is a cost-effective crime prevention model which can build a young person’s resilience, and reduces their risk of engaging in anti-social behaviour. The program supported through Menzies is aimed at increasing community connection and engagement with young people across Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula. This means creating more 1:1 mentoring matches, setting up MITH groups in targeted areas, and creating community awareness around the benefits of mentoring in a young person’s life.